Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 1 - Photo of yourself and 10 facts

1. My favorite color is green.
2. I love animals, especially rats, cats and horses.
3. I love to read.
4. I am really good at customer service.
5. I worry a lot about most everything.
6. I have no idea what I want to be "when I grow up".
7. I hate tomatos.
8. I have a black belt in karate.
9. I haven't played my oboe in 5 years.
10. I love being married.

30 Day Photo Challenge

I've decided to do this trendy photo challenge, but not publically... I'd rather put it here where only a couple of you ever look anyway. So here goes!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Give thy thoughts no tongue - Shakespeare

I was up half the night with thoughts of things I wanted to say. High horses I wanted to tumble. Feelings I wanted to hurt. Accusations I wanted to defend. Knives I wanted to twist. This morning I woke up hollow and exhausted.

All anyone is doing in life is looking out for themselves. You must do things for yourself. Regardless if they are actions that are perceived as selfish or selfless, you are still doing them for yourself. For the feelings that make it tolerable, worthwhile or even exciting to get up in the morning. Whatever works for you, you will do it. We help people. We love people. We build others up or we cut people loose. The end result is the beautiful work of art entitled Our Life. We are all the center of our own creation. I will never feel guilty for how I have chosen to paint my picture.

Being selfish to me means that you have to look out for yourself and you don't have to sacrifice. ~ Herbie Mann

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Flying Skillets!

I'm having one of those off days where nothing about myself is pleasing me. Buuuut, rather than focus on that, I want to tell you about a weird dream I had last night.

I dreamt I was in a canoe on a river and I kept flooding it, which was no big deal because I could just stand up and dump it out. I was having all sorts of fun zooming around in my little canoe. Other people were there, but I don't remember who. Then I found this skillet, decided to sit in it and suddenly was flying! It made me feel happy and complete. Then I woke up. So apparently I need to find my magic flying skillet and I will be happy!

I'm really excited that Planet Fitness is finally open and that Adam actually wants to go with me. I have a lot banking on this change. I hope I don't let myself down.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Mixed Feelings

I have very mixed feelings about blogging. In high school I maintained a blog I poured all my feelings and emotions into only to have it used as a joke at my expense. I recently stumbled upon that blog, reread every entry and then deleted it in it's entirety. I was an emotional and expressive teenager. I didn't feel like those troubling times needed to exist in the written form any more.

That being said, I am older now. I feel that I can express my feelings in a way as to not make this become about gossip and hurt people. We'll see who I share this with and we'll see how long it lasts. But hey, it's always fun to write. :)